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About Artist
SO Yuk Cheung completed his degree in Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) co-presented by RMIT and Hong Kong Art School in 2023, majoring in sculpture. He specializes in three-dimensional creations. His previous experiences in searching for objects in public spaces for artistic purposes have prompt him to consider the relationship between objects and space. Through deconstructing and reassembling, he generates new interactions between objects and space, adding new meaning to the original context.
蘇鈺翔,2023 年獲香港藝術學院藝術文學士學位(課程與澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學合辦),主 修雕塑。他專注於立體創作。過往在公共空間尋找物件創作的經驗促使他思考物件與空間的關 係。透過解構、重組物件,讓物件與空間產生新的互動,在原有的語境上,為物件再添新的形象。
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