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Thomas Fung

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About Artist

Thomas FUNG Yee Tin, born 1993 in Hong Kong, graduated from the Fine Arts Department in The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019. Fung art practice consists of daily life, places and historical events through painting and drawing. His recent exhibition participations include Art Basel (Booth 1a Space) in 2023 and participation in the "Fill in the Space" Artist in Residence Programme of 1a Space, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong in 2021. While studying art at CUHK from 2017 to 2019, his works also won several Fine Art Awards.

馮倚天,1993 年生於香港,2019 年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系(文學士)。馮倚天的創作靈感來自日常生活,某些地點,歷史事件等。創作涉及寫生,通過寫生來理解藝術的本質,探討一些美學問題。其作品最近曾於巴塞爾藝術展 2023 (1a Space 展位) 展出,他亦在 2021 年參與了 1a space 藝術家駐場計劃:空間進駐。在 2017 年至 2019 年在學期間,馮氏的作品也獲得了多個藝術獎項。

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