Endless Night:
a visual diary

Thomas Fung
Exhibition Period
02 Jul - 23 Jul 2023
Yrellag Gallery is honored to present "Endless Night: A Visual Diary", a solo exhibition by artist Thomas Fung Yee Tin. The exhibition will be held from July 2nd to July 23rd, 2023, and will feature a selection of Fung's figurative oil paintings that capture the essence of dreams and daily fragments.
Fung's paintings are a reflection of his belief that dream imagery is both unutterable and realistic. Research has shown that humans can only remember a small percentage of their dreams each night, making these images even more remarkable.
According to Fung, these dream fragments are not necessarily derived from our daily experiences, yet they reflect a state of mind that is often even more vivid than reality. Fung draws inspiration from these fragments, he always revisits these fragments from his dreams, converting them into keywords or statements, and then transforming them into symbols that reflect the interplay between consciousness and unconsciousness, trying to sort out his own thoughts in mind.
The exhibition will open on July 2nd, and the artists will be present at the opening reception. We invite everyone to visit our gallery to learn more about the ideas in the artist’s symbolic and dreamlike works of art.
夢境的意象難以言喻而真實,作為一種比表象真實更真實的意象,它來回往返的在生活中縈繞。坊間有研究指出 95%的夢境內容會在夢醒後被忘記,剩餘的 5%卻是一種現實的寫照。