Angela Chow
Exhibition Period
3 Oct - 20 Oct 2023
Yrellag Gallery is proud to present “Whisper”, a solo exhibition by Angela Chow Shuk Wun, featuring her latest series of oil paintings that illustrate various imaginary and peaceful landscapes in the boundless nature. Contemplation on the nature constructs her visual language by using the intuitive brushworks and fleeting images in her mind.
According to Zhuangzi’s “Identifying with Things” philosophy, there is no distinction between self and others while things are not dualistic opposites. There are possibilities in between as the endless and boundless nature. Individuals can be liberated from societal perspectives and wander between heaven and earth by eliminating deliberate intentions.
In the philosophy of “Identifying with Things”, as everything is interconnected, it inspires Chow to explore the infinity of nature in her creations. Like cells nourished by all things, human traces can be seen in the infinite natural scenery. Familiar landscapes possess subtle and delicate variations, concealing a state of tranquillity and ease that reflects the artist’s inner core and psyche. Liberating oneself from the hustle and bustle of life, which allows thoughts to continuously traverse between “movement” and “stillness”, creating various imaginary landscapes, and an opportunity to listen to the gentle whispers of nature.
Chow’s art practice draws on the unfettered thoughts of Chinese culture. Her paintings contain flowing lines and unrealistic yet harmonious tones, constructing her own peaceful and poetic world. The huge composition on canvas expresses Chow’s admiration for the boundless nature.
The exhibition opening will be held on 8th October 2023 (Sunday), from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., and will be on view till 20th October, 2023. The artist will be present during the opening reception.
Yrellag Gallery 欣然呈獻香港藝術家周淑媛的個展《喃喃細語》,展出周氏一系列最新的油畫創作,描 繪了在無邊無際的大自然中各種意象和寧靜的風景。 以對大自然的沉思、直覺的筆觸和腦海中轉瞬即 逝的意象堆砌出她的視覺語言。
「物無非彼,物無非是。自彼則不見,自是則知之。故曰,彼出於是,是亦因彼。」 ——《莊子‧齊物論》
在《莊子‧齊物論》中,「彼」與「此」不再對立相待,在無邊無垠的自然中,萬物原渾同一體。去除 成心,人則可從社會觀點解放,繼而遨游於天地之間。齊物論中的「物無非彼,物無非是」啟發周氏在 是次的創作中窺探著自然的無盡,人如細胞般受萬物長養亭毒,在無窮的自然景致中亦能見人的影踪。 看似熟悉的景觀,裡面卻蘊含著周氏細膩的筆觸和柔和的色彩。恬靜如斯的景象醖釀出既平靜且安逸 的境界,投射出周氏內在的根本。從繁囂生活中解放自己,思緒於「動」與「靜」之間穿梭,創造出各 種心象風景,靜聽大自然的輕聲細語。
周淑媛以中國文化中逍遙的思想入畫,畫作中蘊含流動的線條和非現實卻和諧的色調,建構出屬於其 寧靜且富有詩意的世界;偌大的佈局表達了周氏對這無垠的自然的讚嘆。
本展將於 2023 年 10 月 8 日下午 4 時至晚上 6 時舉行開幕酒會,展期由 2023 年 10 月 3 日至 2023 年 10 月 20 日。