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Spatial Temporal

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Maggie Chu
Kiesly Tsang
Manfred Yuen
Ray LC
Ng Kai Fung

Exhibition Period

11 Nov - 26 Nov 2022

Spatial Temporal is the first experimental project by TimeStamp Hub, a local art community that explores the unique intersection between art and technology. The community presents influential contemporary creators to co-create cultural assets with interdisciplinary practices and various artistic approaches in celebrating the decentralising world to secure cultural assets with digital ID minted on the Ethereum Blockchain. As the first major project curated by TimeStamp Hub, 5 artists from disciplinaries of architecture, art documentation, biocosmology, neuroscience and photography. 


Spatial refers to space, whereas temporal is a representation of time. These 5 artists consider themselves as a unique spatial part that is in conversation with different moments of Hong Kong.

Maggie Chu: By archiving postcards of Hong Kong’s iconic sceneries, Chu removes key elements from the postcards and turns the fragments into insect-like creatures that are hovering across the metamorphosis of Hong Kong from an international metropolis retrograding to 1840 when it was "a barren rock with nary a house upon it”.

Ray LC: He continues his machine-learning practice to explore the past, present, and future of Hong Kong through trajectory videos. 

Ng Kai Fung: People often consider photography as the capture of a moment which is of single dimension. Ng is making a revolutionary move in turning single moments into 4-dimensional serial visions of Hong Kong.

Kiesly Tsang: Tsang elaborates on her experience in specific space-time in Hong Kong. Instead of attempting to find evidence in the unknown, Tsang legitimises her intuition and reification with a series of video collages for personal judgement.

Manfred Yuen: “Space” should never be confined or defined by the physical world solely. In his artwork, Yuen brings architectural projects that might experience miscarriages in the real world due to their flamboyancies or egoisms before, but they met their resurrections in the virtual world. This virtual world is a representation of Hong Kong at a specific point of time across the whole spectrum, somewhat beyond the present.

Yrellag Gallery 欣然呈獻「虛;實」- 將於 11 月 11 日在本畫廊開幕。


「虛;實」- TimeStamp Hub 推出的首個系列展覽。重組在不同時空和空間的事物。




Maggie Chu 遊走於明信片中維多利亞港的風景,把所有發生過的痕跡移除,變為荒蕪之地。而那些從明信片切割下來的碎片,突變成無以名狀的奇怪生物。  

Fung Ng 將點與點之間的光影,物與物之間的距離;分鐘,以至小時的時間紀錄在一格的菲林內,在實驗中產生影象。

Manfred Yuen 重新思考不能建構的“空間”,把事件數碼化在虛擬世界重新呈現。他邀請收藏家擁有、修改和建構他的作品,以質疑擁有權和真實性。  

Kiesly Tsang 進一步闡述了她在香港的特定時空所經歷的現象。 她放棄了在未知領域尋找證據,而是跟從她自身的直覺,用形象拼貼具體了她的經歷。  

Ray LC 以空間視點及香港景觀為靈感,利用機器學習技術,以超過 6000 張香港風景和街道的照片重新詮釋景致的過去、現在與未來;重疊及連接。

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