
Louis Wong
Exhibition Period
17 Jan - 31 Jan 2023
Yrellag Gallery is pleased to present Resilience. This exhibition features 22 enchanting portrait drawings on paper by Louis Wong. This series, with the theme of Resilience, shows the strength of each character as they face the challenges of their various environments and encounters in life. Some characters are firm as the flowers in Garden, some are gentle as Resonance and Poet, some are persistent as Acrobat and Actor, and some are hopeful as the girls facing uncertainty in Hope. No matter what personality characteristics they possess, their remarkable resilience shines during the ups and downs. Resilience captures the artist's observations of the human condition. The exhibition will be on view from 17 January to 31 January 2022.
Yrellag Gallery欣然呈獻Louis Wong Solo exhibition- Resilience。本次展覽將會展出Louis Wong的22幅肖像繪畫作品。該系列以「Resilience」為主題,展示了畫中每個角色在面對生活上遭遇的各種困難時所表現出的力量。有的像在作品《Garden》裡的花朵那樣堅定筆直,有的像在作品《Resonance》和《Poet》裡的人物那樣和藹親切,有的像在《Acrobat》和《Actor》裡的人物那樣倔強瀟灑,還有的像《Hope》裡面對不安時,畫中女孩那樣充滿着希望。無論他們擁有怎樣的性格特徵,他們非一般的韌性都會在風雨中閃耀。藝術家靈活地捕捉了對人類心裡狀態的觀察。展覽將於2022年1月17日至1月31日展出。