Nature art appreciation is an experience that is both practical and educational. It consists of two parts:
1) brief introduction to a topic (e.g. a particular cloud type) by an expert;
2) art session to paint/draw based on a photo offered by the participant or by the organiser.
All materials including canvas and paints are provided by the organiser.
Date | Start date 7 Oct 2021(each Thur)
Time | 6:30pm-8:30pm
Facilitator | Lee Boon Ying (Artist)
Fee | HKD 1000 / 4 sessions (with canvas, paper, materials)
Venue | Yrellag Gallery
Address | 13A Prince's Terrace, Central
(Mid-levels escalator: Get off once past Caine Road. From Soho, 5 mins walk uphill)
Enquiries | +852 66296454 (Grace Lam)
Apply Now | link in bio
日期 | 二零二一年十月七日 (逢星期四)
時間 | 下午六時三十分至八時三十分
導師 | 李本瀅(藝術家)
收費 | $1000/四堂 (包畫布, 紙, 顏料)
地點 | 中環太子臺13A地下
查詢 │ +852 6629 6454 (藍小姐)
報名 │ link in bio
Nature Art Appreciation - Clouds
Please fill your application details in the following google form before payment is made.