
Li Ning
Exhibition Period
02 Nov - 05 Dec 2021
Yrellag Gallery is delighted to present Inhale, the unique solo presentation of Hong Kong local print artist Li Ning to be held at the Central gallery, taking place between 2 November – 5 December 2021. Comprising copper prints, this new body of work is reflective of Li’s deep interest in science fiction and subconscious dreams, a signature and ongoing source of inspiration within his art.
"Have you ever seen a man in a black suit holding a leather jacket? When you spin to your left temple, you find that he is imitating your footsteps." On this occupied land, discarded corpses and skins are full of garbage stations. The man with amnesia crawled out of the pile of corpses. He picked up the Pisi beside him, pulled out the clothes abandoned by the immigrant family, put on one of the suits, and lifted the Pisi and walked out of the garbage station. The story goes on and imagination further begins. Li created a story full of rich mystery, and further developed an original and unique fictional character Boxman. The exhibited works allow the audience to personally travel through Boxman's ridiculous yet exciting journey, and to encounter various strange monster-like passer-by along the way, taking us to a thrilling journey.
Yrellag 畫廊欣然呈獻香港版畫藝術家李寧於中環空間的個展「入甕」(Inhale)。展覽將於2021年11月2日至12月5日舉行。展出的多數銅版畫為全新創作,其主題彰顯李氏對科幻小說和潛意識夢想的濃厚興趣,這不僅是李氏標誌性的創作題材,亦是其源源不絕的靈感來源。
「你有沒有見過一個身穿黑色西裝提住皮篋的男人?當你向左邊太陽穴急速轉動時,發現他正在模仿你的腳步。」被佔領的土地上,棄屍與皮篋堆滿了垃圾站。失憶的男子從屍體堆中爬出來,他隨手拿起身旁的皮篋,翻出裏面屬於移民家庭遺棄的衣物,穿起了當中的一套西裝,提起皮篋步出垃圾站。故事繼續,想像進一步開始。李氏創作了一個充滿神秘色彩的故事,並進一步發展了原創獨特的虛構人物Boxman。展出作品讓觀眾親身穿越 Boxman 荒誕而刺激的旅程,以及遇到各種奇怪的怪物般的沿途的路人,帶我們踏上驚心動魄的旅程。