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Claire Lee

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About Artist

Claire Lee is a visual artist from Hong Kong who lives and works between Hong Kong and London. Her self-initiated art projects are often research-based in practices, open creative dialogues and drawing inspirations from the contrasts and beauty in vulnerability found in human conditions. Her artworks have been exhibited in solo, group exhibitions and art fairs in Asia and abroad including Art Central, Amnesty International, Royal Cambrian Academy of Art (UK) and Northern Arizona University Art Museum for its juried exhibition themed on politics, violence, and reconciliation.
Her meditative and poetic approach in art making explores imaginations of the human psyche by experimenting with different tactile materials and mediums for her multi-faceted works include objects, paintings, drawings, and photographs. She has also given poetry performances and published poetry collections along with her artworks.

來自香港的視覺藝術家李美蓮在香港和倫敦兩地工作和生活。她自發的藝術專案常以實踐研究為基礎,從人類存在狀態之脆弱中的美和對比汲取靈感,並進行開放的創造性對話。她的作品曾在亞洲和國外的個展、群展和藝術博覽會上展出,包括Art Central、國際特赦組織、英國皇家坎布里亞藝術學院和北亞利桑那大學藝術館,評審展覽主題包括政治、暴力與和解。


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