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湯慧怡Tong Wai Yi

About Artist
湯慧怡畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術系。靈感來自於捕捉日常的瞬間而衍生聯想。她視創作爲心之所向的載體,透過創作過程梳理思緒,在醞釀的發想中找到連結。她亦嘗試在作品中加入偶然的元素 ,讓一切看似規律的卻蘊藏著隨性、流動與獨特,藉此提醒自己擁抱一切的發生與不發生。
Tong Wai Yi graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Visual Arts. Her creative ideas are inspired by sparkling moments. Creation really provides holding space for her to undergo a condensation of broken mind. Contingency is one of the elements she also tries to involve in her works. The inherent order can be infused with randomness, flow and uniqueness, thereby reminding herself to embrace all the occurrences.
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