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Antifragile Quiet Resistance

Exhibition Period: 6 January 2025 – 30 January 2025

Opening Ceremony: 10 January 2025, 6-8 P.M.


Yrellag Gallery is pleased to present “Antifragile - Quiet Resistance,” a solo exhibition featuring new photographic works by photographer Denton Yan Chen. In the unforgiving geometry of our cities, there exists a quiet rebellion. Through cracks in sidewalks, between forgotten bricks, and along weathered walls, plant life emerges—not merely surviving but flourishing in these seemingly hostile environments. This photographic exhibition documents the remarkable antifragility of urban flora, celebrating the resilience of life. Antifragility is defined as a convex response to a stressor or source of harm, leading to a positive sensitivity to increases in volatility. The concept suggests that certain systems in life possess a characteristic whereby, despite harm or threats, they can lead to positive outcomes. This idea is explored through the main subject matter: plants constrained to grow in unforgiving and harsh, unexpected places. Their triumph through adversity is evident as they quietly thrive despite the forces against them. Each image reveals how plants don't simply endure urban challenges but harness them to create new forms of coexistence. The harsh conditions of the city—compacted soil, polluted air, restricted space—become catalysts for evolutionary innovation. "Antifragile" invites viewers to reconsider these manifestations of life as powerful symbols of adaptation and growth. In an era of rapid change and forces that seek to constrain and stifle our potential, these persistent plants remind us that nature's strength lies not in resisting change, but in finding new ways to thrive, transforming obstacles into opportunities and limitations into possibilities.

Yrellag Gallery 榮幸地呈獻 《Antifragile - Quiet Resistance》展覽,將展出攝影師 Denton Yan Chen 的全新攝影作品。 在我們城市無情的幾何結構中,存在著一種悄然無聲的抵抗。 人行道的裂縫、被遺忘的磚塊之間和風化的牆壁,在這些看似嚴酷的環境之中,植物頑強地 生存下來。是次展覽攝影師 Denton 用攝影記錄著城市植物群的「抗脆弱性」,這個概念彰顯 著一種生命的韌性。 透過是次攝影的主調—那些在無情、嚴酷的地方仍然默然地適應和生長着的植物,將局限蛻 變為可能性,在身邊的各種條件下尋覓到新的路向和共生形式。


展覽開幕將於 2025 年 1 月 10 日星期六下午 6 點至8點舉行。展覽時間為2025 年 1 月 6 日至 2025 年 1 月 30 日。

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