Li Ning
LI Ning’s subject matter is inspired by dreams and daily sceneries, with multiple scenes and characters presented in the same composition. He constructs a bizarre world of unique characters being in a boundless territory without a definite start and end, with multiple actions and narratives happening at the infinite loop of time and space. LI’s style fuses with his practice and experience as a tattoo practitioner. He applies delicate lines to form positive and negative space structures, adopting the sensibility and techniques of tattooing into his print works. The format of both mediums is remarkably similar: it is a process of pigment insertion and conversion of inked-lines into patterns on to human skins and canvas’ surfaces. His technique is also a form of collaging, instead of using ready-made as his source-material, he applies his own design patterns accumulated as a tattoo practitioner in his print-making works.
李寧的創作取材於個人的夢境及現實的景物,並以敘事形式將零散的素材接合成一個自構的奇異空間。他的創作探索時空及時間迴圈的理論,畫面同時呈現多線的人物敘事及場景細節, 既無始亦無終。作為一名職業紋身師,李寧的作品運用了其熟習的紋身技巧及表現方式。創作過程同樣是轉印構圖,再一刀刀的拉出線條,前者刻在活生生的皮膚上,後者則刻在物件上。他多年來鑽研線條及正負空間的表達,作品體現出其對線條勾畫的細膩拿捏,畫面率真有力。有別於傳統拼貼技巧,李寧沒有使用現成素材,而是把多年設計的圖像展現於不同作品中。
RMIT University, Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting major)
Hong Kong Art School Higher Diploma in Fine Art (Painting major)
HKICC Lee Shau See School of Creativity
Inhale, Solo Exhibition, Yrellag Gallery
Flipped Trip, Hong Kong Open Printshop, Hong Kong
Marking, Vitamin D Award 2019 Awardees “Exhibition”, Tung Nam Lou Art Hotel, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Art Basel 2020
The Blazing World - LI Ning and Stanley SHUM, Gallery EXIT, Hong Kong
Asia Art Archive Annual Fundraiser, Christie’s Auction, Hong Kong
HKFOREWORD 19, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong
Fresh Trend 2019, City Hall , Hong Kong
HOT OFF THE PRESS, HKOP Awardees in Printmaking Exhibition, Hong Kong
RMIT & HKAS BAFA Graduate Exhibition, The Pao Gallery, Hong Kong
Processing on Mind-mapping, The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School, Hong Kong
New Art Wave Expo, Macau
Higher Diploma in Fine Art Graduation Show , Hong Kong Art School, Hong Kong
TenTents, Ma Wan, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Open Printshop Award
Vitamin D Award
Education Bureau’s Self-financing Post-Secondary Scholarship Scheme,
Outstanding Performance Scholarship
New Art Wave International Artist Award Finalist
Awards & Scholarship